Mowing a lawn is the technique allowing maintaining it in the form of a dense green carpet. According to Myrtle Beach Lawn Services, mowing the upper part of plants stimulates their branching; new springs grow fluffy and bright.
Reasons For Mowing The Lawn
The lawn without maintenance loses its decorative effect. Lawn grass turns yellow, coarsens, dims, part of leaves fall off old springs exposing the stems.
Do not allow the grass to outgrow more than 10-12 cm from the set height. Otherwise, after cutting the grass stand, the lighting will change dramatically, which will lead to wilting, yellowing and even death of tender springs.
Rare cuts lead to much stress for plants. Recovery takes place normally, when no more than a third of the stem height is cut. If time is lost, but you want to avoid problems, it is best to perform the procedure in the evening or in cloudy weather.
Basic Rules For The First Mowing Of Lawns
Seedlings of lawn grasses appear in the period from the end of the 1st to the beginning of the 4th week after sowing. Seeds require careful watering in dry weather.
As soon as the height of the plants reaches 5-8 cm, they need to be swept, removing debris and fallen leaves from the lawn surface. After that, the lawn should be rolled with a lightweight roller or a rear roller of a cylindrical lawn mower. This is done to compact the raised soil and form new springs. The lawn is mowed when the shoots rise again.